

Survival of the Fittest

The financial services industry is experiencing a period of rapid change driven by near-term events like the pandemic, overlaid on top of the longer-term digital transformation of the economy. The companies that manage to survive over the next few years will be the ones that are most successful in adapting to this new business environment.

COVID-19 Shredded Bank & Credit Union Plans. Here’s How To Reboot

As America keeps pushing to reopen, financial institutions must learn from their pandemic experience and figure out how to pick up the essentials of old strategic plans and stitch them to fresh ones for the 'new normal.'

Creating Innovative Products with Technology

Financial institutions are all selling the same products that have been defined by regulation rather than customer need. With the creative application of digital technology, however, it is possible to develop innovative new products that better address customer needs and can differentiate your company from the competition.

By |May 17, 2020|Digital Banking, Product Development|

You Still Have a Chance to be a Player in the Personalization Game

It might seem like large banks and FinTechs have an insurmountable lead when it comes to providing customized offers to customers given their huge investments in customer analytics. That's not necessarily true, and institutions with much smaller budgets can still compete in the personalization space.

By |May 6, 2020|Customer Analytics, Digital Transformation|

ROI on Digital Transformation Investments

Many traditional financial institutions are reluctant to pursue important digital transformation projects without first being able to demonstrate a positive expected return on investment. This is unrealistic for many transformation-related investments, and may jeopardize the company's long term survival.

By |March 31, 2020|Digital Banking, Digital Transformation|

But Our Customers are Different . . .

Bank executives and front line staff often defend their limited investments in digital technology based on the belief that their customer base prefers to transact business face-to-face in a physical office. In reality, the preferences of existing customers are likely much more diverse. And the new (and often younger) customers needed to sustain future growth are more likely to demand higher levels of digital engagement.

By |January 12, 2020|Customer Engagement, Digital Transformation|

Do Business Banks Need to Worry About Digital Transformation?

Leaders at some business banks may view the digital transformation as being relevant only for more consumer-focused institutions. Nothing could be further from the truth, and a failure to act now may place your company in an increasingly challenging and non-competitive position.

By |December 16, 2019|Customer Analytics, Digital Banking, Digital Transformation|

Design Thinking – A Different Approach to Decision Making

Design thinking has become a popular approach to problem-solving with a focus on developing creative, innovative solutions to customer problems based on a deep exploration and understanding of their needs.

By |October 11, 2019|Design Thinking, Product Development|

Digital Transformation and the Board of Directors

A company's Board of Directors provides valuable oversight and leadership. But Board diversity is an important factor in how well a company understands and addresses the needs of the customers and communities it serves, and how effectively it responds to change driven by the digital transformation.

By |August 8, 2019|Board Diversity, Digital Transformation|
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